
“The concerns of Baghalan Youths about Escalation of War and Uncertain State of Peace Talks”



“The concerns of Baghalan Youths about Escalation of War and Uncertain State of Peace Talks”

A number of young people, members of the Jirga and the Secretariat of the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Baghlan Province conducted a press conference titled "Concern of the youth of Baghlan about the escalation of the war and the uncertain condition of the peace talks" in the center of the province on Tuesday, May 21, 2021.

Ahmad Fawad Forough Advisor to the Advisory Board, Abdullah Qhaderi Political Advisor, Ariana Parsi Chairwoman of the Media Committee, Mohammad Alam Barakzai, Deputy Chairman of the Media Committee, and Amina Wardak, Member of the Media Committee of the Provincial Secretariat Spoke on behalf of others and expressed their opinions and concerns about the escalation of violence in the country and the uncertain situation of the peace process.

The Resolution of the Conference

We, a group of young people, members of the Jirga and the Secretariat of the Youths and New Generation peace Jirga of the Baghlan province, expressed our concerned over the intensifying the war and violence and we also expresses our concern about the uncertainty of the peace talks and call for the following:

1. To end the war and conclude peace talks, the Taliban must return to the negotiating table and resolve their differences through dialogue and negotiations;

2. Both sides should seize the opportunity to end the current war;

3. We call on the Taliban to declare a ceasefire as soon as possible in order to build trust between the two sides;

4. The parties to the negotiations must give up their personal and group interests and take priority in to the voice of the people for peace;

5. In order to ensure peace and the inclusion of peace agreements, young people and women must be present and be involved;

6. We call on both sides (the government and Taliban) to be flexible in peace negotiations;

7. We call on the Government and the Taliban to prevent targeted killings of journalists, civil society activists and religion scholars;

8. We call on the neighboring countries and the region to cooperate with the people of Afghanistan to conclude the Afghan Peace Process.


Kind regards

Media and Spokesperson Office of YCGP

The Provincial Secretariat of Baghlan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

May 4, 2021 / 14 of Sawr, 1400

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