
Badakhshan Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga



Badakhshan Youths and new Generation Peace Jirga

Badakhshan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan Province was held by the YCGP on September 6, 2020. The Jirga was attended by hundreds of young people from 28 administrative units of the province.

The Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan consisted of three parts. In the first part, inauguration program included a speech by Atia Mehraban, Deputy Head of the YCGP, Sangar Amirzadah, Head of the YCGP, Khalil Ahmad Matin, Deputy Head of the YCGP, Seyed Noorullah Baes, Asifa Karimi and Storay Yazdan. The second part of the Jirga included the work of the committees and the third part included the presentation of the demands and decisions of the working committees, which were presented by the heads of the committees. Meanwhile, the secretaries of the ten committees drafted and presented the final resolution of the Youth and New Generating Peace Jirga of Badakhshan.

At the end, all members of the Jirga were awarded the title of "Ambassadors of Peace" by the YCGP. The leadership of the YCGP sincerely appreciated the team of the Jirga and thanked them for their efforts.

Badakhshan Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga resolution

We, the youths of Badakhshan participated in the Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga of Badakhshan which was held by the "YCGP" on Sunday, September 6, 2020. We discussed the demands of Badakhshan youths in the peace process from the GIRoA, Taliban and the International Community, circumstance of ending the war in the country and the damages caused by the war in this province, and issued the following decisions:


1.      We, the youths want a lasting and inclusive peace based on Islamic and human values.

2.      We call for the inclusion and a clear and purposeful role of the youths in the peace process.

3.      We want the preservation of the constitution, the participation of all different classes and groups in the peace process, the preservation of last 19 years achievements, justice, equality and ethnic pluralism in the peace process.

4.      We want the peace process to be prioritized in the government's agenda.

5.      We call for a national consensus among politicians and peace among them before starting peace talks with the Islamic Movement of Taliban.

6.      We call for holding public meetings in the presence of the media during the negotiations; the Afghanistan’s citizens should be informed about the peace process.

7.      We want influential, managerial and capable people to be at the foremost position of the negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

8.      We call on the Islamic Movement of Taliban to respect the democratic process, modern values ​​and reduce violence during negotiations.

9.      We call on the Taliban to be committed to the peace process and to refrain from obstructing the process.

10.  We call for a bilateral ceasefire from both sides of the war.

11.  We want the flexibility of the government and Taliban during the negotiations and we ask them to prove their good intentions in the process.

12.  We call on the International Community, the countries of the region and our neighbors to end proxy and intelligence wars.

13.  We call on Islamic countries to prevent radical interpretations of religion in the war and peace process of the country and cooperate with us in achieving lasting peace.

14.  We call on the International Community to monitor the Afghan peace process closely and seriously.

15.  We call on all countries of the world to address those who committed war crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and don’t give them safe havens.

16.  We call on the negotiating parties to not ignore influential people, political parties and social groups in the peace process.

17.  War in Badakhshan province has caused girls to stay away from education, backwardness, forced marriages and destruction of agriculture.

18.  The war in Badakhshan has led to illegal mining, looting and smuggling of natural resources in the province.

19.  The war in Badakhshan has deprived people from access to public health services.  

20.  We support the presence and significant role of youths in the negotiation process and the monitoring of this process by youths.



Best Regards


Badakhshan Province - Youths and New Generation Peace Jirga

September 6, 2020

Badakhshan – Afghanistan 

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