The Contact Group for Peace as a national
movement for peace, against war and armed conflicts, independent and not
affiliated with political individuals or groups, consisting of the new
generation and youth activists, established on August 22, 2019.

leadership and fellows of the Contact Group have traveled to 30 provinces of
the country till
August, 2021, and have made efforts for “Coordination and Convergence of the
New Generation and Youths Afghanistan” by conducting the Youths and New
Generation Peace Jirgas and Summits, Meetings, Gatherings and Rallies. The
leadership of the contact group inside and outside country, after political and
military transformation of August 15, 2021 to continue its advocacies and to
achieve its objectives based on the new definition, calls for the following

Contact Group for Peace to achieve the following objectives and to establish
lasting peace and stability in the country, continues its activities and
efforts with the slogan of (Together for Afghanistan):